
September 17, 2019

Life As A Lab — A Great Experiment

I’m going to let you in on a biz pep talk I need to give myself right now, about living my life as a lab. First of all, I’m a recovering perfectionist. But just like recovery, the process of giving up the strictures of perfectionism have not gone in a straight line. I thought I had licked this back in high school, when I realized I couldn’t be #1 at everything — I could only do my best. When I entered college, after meeting so many people who were so much more intelligent than me, I learned that competing with myself was the best option. It still is. But in growing my business, perfectionism has reared its ugly head many a time. It creates a sort of tunnel vision that doesn’t really help me see the big picture. I can’t see how far I’ve come because it seems like I have a long way to go. And there are reasons for this pressure: I want to help more people. I want to accomplish more things in my personal life. I want to be successful, like right now. But all of those things take time — specifically, you have to be open to experimentation. Life as a Game One thing about being an adult — someone may tell you about how a certain life event is going to be, but then you could experience a different outcome. But let’s talk about something a little less life-or-death…gaming! As a stress reliever (but sometimes […]