May 29, 2024
Does Selling and Marketing Give You the Ick? When you think of sales and marketing, is your first reaction ick? Yuck? No thanks? We live in a capitalistic (or as some call it crapitalistic) society that inherently exploitative, and the more marginalized you are, the more exploitable you are in this system. At the same time, you have helpful products or services that you have to sell so you can support yourself and your loved ones. But the means to do that feel exploitative because capitalism is inherently exploitative. It may not even be about beliefs about money, which I will not get into here. It could just be that you don’t want to engage in such a destructive system. But, ya gotta eat! Keep a roof over your head. Take care of yourself A Necessary Reframe Let’s keep it all the way real. Marketing can feel, and is many times, manipulative. All of us are guilty of buying something we didn’t need because we felt cajoled or guilted or beguiled into the purchase. So of course, you don’t want to treat your clients or customers that way. And that’s a good impulse. But marketing really is just telling folks about what you have to offer and how you can help. All the other stuff that feels slimy — you do not have to engage in! Marketing Your Way Especially if you’re extremely online like I am, you are inundated with people trying to sell your something or influence you. […]