June 15, 2023
If you’re a small business owner (or an executive or manager), you’ve seen posts like this before, and it’s usually some pitch for a business coach. And, well…this will be like that. But not quite. I Know Some Thangs… I’ve been working in content for about 11 years now and it’s been a roller coaster ride. I’ve learned a lot about about content but also about working with all kinds of people. A lot of important life lessons about work and the importance of healthy, respectful relationships that make the work even better. And even if I know a lot about business at this point, there is absolutely no way I’d go along my small biz life without having some sort of help. There are too many things to navigate: sales, profitability, customer service, marketing, service delivery, taxes, contracts, keeping your business edge…and on and on it goes. …But I Could Always Use Some Help I have worked with a couple of business coaches before, and I realized that coaching is definitely different than therapy. And one key difference is the approach. From my experience,and I admit that this is a bit reductive: coaching is a lot more in your face than therapy. You can come with your issue and the coach is basically like, how do you plan on overcoming that obstacle? It’s more motivational. Get out there and make those sales or give that presentation or overcome that work challenge. And sometimes, you just need that prompting, that strong accountability. […]